This Week
My info graphic for the screen department was published. I liked the way it turned out, but I think if I could change anything about it, I would use different colors that aren't so pastel-y.

BUT I'm excited because my cover design was chosen for this week's True/False issue. Even better, I went in to do some more designing, and we didn't change much from my original design. I will be posting it after it comes out on Thursday. Also this week, I am working on a design for the Global Journalist, and here are my beginning designs.

Another project I worked on this week was a presentation for the publishing group, showing them my design for the website, which I kept everything the same except for the logo and made a mock website for them to see.

Monday I attended the POYi judging session for the Campaign 08 picture story section. There were 4 judges: Melissa Farlow, freelance journalist; David Griffin, National Geographic director of photography; Roger Lemoyne, freelance journalist; and Robert Pledge, Contact Press Images director. It was interesting to see how quickly the judging 278 photos in less than 30 minutes. They narrowed the group down to 25 photos for round 2 after a short break. I enjoyed seeing the photos and picking up on what the judges liked/disliked. I think I'm going to go to another session later in the week.

This week on MagCulture, Leslie talks about the way magazines are displayed on shelves, particularly Love magazine, which was just released, and how chaotic the display situations really are. He also gives high praise to the magazine's design this month. I guess the Brits have a different take on things than we do here. I love the engraved logo, but as for the other elements on the cover...I'm not so sure.

You Can't Miss
Since we are designing our websites (slowly but surely, in my case) I thought I'd give you a website that talks about new website trends. I've found it really helpful so maybe you can too at Smashing Magazine.

Thanks for the web site inspiration, Em! I realize how important it is for me to learn web design everyday, but I get stuck because I don't have enough ideas for how to make it look.
ReplyDeleteI really liked the transparency stuff and seeing different slide shows was also helpful! Thanks!
Solution - your storage feature for spring cleaning is really cute. I love the colors and flowers. Our website it going to turn out to be really cool - when our ideas collaborate we will be an unstoppable storage team.
ReplyDeleteThe department page with the trash can being dissected and labeled was a great concept. kudos.
Emily, congrats on a great cover. A very nice concept, and refreshing for a True/False cover. It will pop off the newsstand. I liked tweaking with you because I got to see a little bit of how you work. You're very detailed and meticulous. You can see that in your work as well, like your lovely Storage pieces. I wish you had executed these a bit further; it had terrific potential. I like your Gaza headline treatment for GJ. I hope it doesn't get changed much by the editors. You have a nice way of approaching text. Like your own logo for your future site. It's lovely. Great work! Love, Meredith (the TA, not the project.)
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the cover girly!! I am quite proud of you and so excited. It looked great on the news stands today. Good concept, good execution. Keep it coming!