This Week
Well, the end is near and I still feel like there are a million things to do. I designed the Screen Department in Vox this week which looks like this:

I also made a short trip to Birmingham to interview at Southern Living Magazine which was really fun. Everyone I spoke with was incredibly nice and it seems like a great place to work. I will find out in about 2 1/2 weeks if I was selected for the internship. A highlight my interview was showing off the Storage layouts I had. The 3 interviewers seemed to be blown away by the amount of web design we have done, so hopefully that gave me a leg up in the selection process. The rest of the interview almost seemed too easy. It was really laid back and they gave me an opportunity to talk a lot about what I loved about the magazine and also to show all of my work and leave them my mini-portfolio (which they loved). So keep your fingers crossed for me throughout the next few weeks.

This week, we've been finalizing the Storage Web site. Maggie has been working really hard to get everything put together and the site is looking great. Along with Storage I've been working on my personal Web site, which is 95% finished. I kept it really simple to go with my mini-portfolio, and I like the way it looks so far. I also made the entire thing in Flash, which is a step up for me. I've learned Flash through my Storage colleagues, which I'm very grateful for. I like it a lot better than working in Dreamweaver, which I think is a complete nightmare, although I've learned a lot about it too.
Is it bad that I have a trillion things to do and all I can think about is going to the Kentucky Derby this weekend? Probably. I figure there will be a lot of time to do things in the car, though. The party consists of my older brother Matt (I only have one) and 3 of his college friends. I'm hoping I'll see some famous people at the track, as well as some people like this:

In response to John Fennell's speech about the Meredith presentations next Tuesday: I don't think he made me feel any differently about them. I had always been thinking it was going to be more like a conversation than the groups just talking at the audience. I think everyone will be great and there's nothing to worry about, except maybe technical glitches.
MagCulture covers one of my new favorite magazines, Wallpaper*.
The masters behind the mag are putting out their first Sex issue, which will feature a story titled "Soft Furnishings - the Erotic House of Eric Saville". If you see this before Thursday, you can catch the live SHOWstudio shoot online here.

Also, Portfolio magazine is planned to close after it's May issue, after only being in business for about 2 years.

Leslie received a lot of mini mags in the mail from Gary Cook. Cook took them and resized them, I don't know why, but he did. Here's what some of the ones Leslie received look like.

For any Zac Efron fans visiting (I hope not), he graced the recent cover of Interview, which has a new logo. The art direction of the magazine has been taken over by M/M Paris. Other than Mr. Efron being on the cover, me likey.

You Can't Miss
CMYK Magazine which features designs by young people just like us! If you visit, you can see portfolios from all over the world and information about upcoming magazines and contests. It's a great resource for inspiration and just knowing what the trends in design are looking like. The magazine has interesting covers each month too. For example: